Posts Tagged ‘GM Wheat’
Nottingham Team Receive Funding to Bring Gene-Edited Cereals a Step Closer to Farms
Researchers from the University of Nottingham are part of a team awarded £2.2 million to trial a precision-bred wheat variety that could lead to more sustainable farming systems. The team is involved in the PROBITY project—A Platform to Rate Organisms Bred for Improved Traits and Yield—led by the British On-Farm Innovation Network (BOFIN). This three-year…
Read MoreGene-edited-wheat trial successful
Chris McCullough For Agri-View Results from Europe’s first-ever field trial of a gene-edited variety of wheat have shown a significant reduction of the potential carcinogen acrylamide when the flour is baked. Researchers at Rothamsted Research in the United Kingdom used a gene-editing tool called CRISPR to eliminate a gene in the wheat. The CRISPR…
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